Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Fellowship of the Blazing Hearts

"Ground Zero" was tonight. An evangalist came and spoke about hearts ablaze and praying for the nation. She mentioned something that was sad to me, and I had wondered, but never had anyone actually say it. She has been to all these colleges in forty days and the ones with the "dimmest" hearts were the Christian ones. Thats messed up. However, she spoke of a book called "Fellowship of the Burning Hearts" or was it blazing, i can't remember. Anyway, they committed to pray an hour each day, an hour praying, reading the Bible, spending time with God. She also pushed us to do the same, I made a commitment, and want to be part of the fellowship. It would be AMAZING for revival and a heart for God running rampant in our nation, if it starts in our generation, so be it. Pray Pray Pray Pray PRAY!! She kept speaking of that. Honestly I can't say I'm the hugest fan. I think for me it was always because I would be direct in my prayers, and of few words, so it was hard for me to do it for an extended period of time. What do you say? How do you keep your mind from wondering off? Well, I'm about to find out. I encourage you to consider doing the same..think of the power behind prayer...


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