I just read this book "Obsessed" by Ted Dekker. I highly recommend it. Aside from the fact that it is a hooker, seeing as I read it in less than two days, it has great themes. I was very inspired by a character on there that was a leader among the women she was with, in hope. I was reminded that one of the biggest threats to satan is our hope, our faith and trust in God. He tries to bring us down with fear, it is his weapon and he will use it at all costs to keep us not only fearing the worst, but doubting ourselves and others. If we let it it will hold us hostage in a despair that paralyzes. We are but pawns in a game of manipulation. However, he can't touch us if we are firm in our hope in God. It was so exciting today walking through campus thinking about the promise of God's redemption of his people, thinking of the day he overcomes evil for good (plus it was absolutely beautiful outside, and although the world is fallen God's glory can be seen all through nature!). Satan may meddle in our minds, attitudes, and emotions, but it is up to us as to whether or not we are affected by it.
Thanks for the reminder about hope...it changed my attitude that I had towards some drama in my own life. I'm curious about the Obsessed book by Ted Dekker even more now...however books about the Supreme Court, Progressives, and combat from WWII currently have to capture my attention :(. Sad I know. After this coming Thursday though my many required reading will slow. So maybe could I borrow the book next weekend?
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